Grand State

Battle Roll Arena

Battle Roll Arena

Is a Digital Trading Collectible Card Game with a big Emphasis on the Digital Collectible Card part for now as the community grows and the cards become collected more and more project goals can be met. So will you stay and become apart of a unique birth in this Digital Age?

Uvra: Goddess of Chaos, Intelligence, Nature

Birthed from the void the Intelligence of Nature harnessed the raw Chaos becoming true perfection, Uvra gives her blessing to those that seek to harness chaotic energy and master the forces of nature through intelligence.

Aona: Goddess of Creation, Intuition, Light

With the ever flowing Intuition of Light, Creation was born and in an instant all life was forever changed, Aona gives her blessing to those that create with all spectrums of light and Honors those that bring into the world grand inventions that forever change its reality.

Eaos: God of Protection, Control, Wisdom

In all forms and all things Control is ever present and in Grand Wisdom Protection laid the foundation to all base reality, Eaos gives his blessing to those that live by the Three Pillar Code and give his honor to those that become Grand Champion.

Bio-Chaos Inc.

Grand House Bio-Chaos Inc. has dominated the grand arena and remained in the Grand Three Houses for over One Century. All those within this house give Praise to the Goddess Uvra and use their innate intelligence to master and alter their own DNA allowing them to control the forces of nature with insane bouts of power.


With cutting edge technologies and insane possibilities the Grand House 3Infinity have used intuitive design and flashy moves to take out strong opponent's and snag the hearts of the fans world wide. All those within this house give Praise to the Goddess Aona and use their Creative and intuitive thoughts to life and using them to alter the battle field and arena, All in this house seek Aona's Honor.

The Grand Dawn

Grand House The Grand Dawn has produced some of the most legendary juggernaut's whose feats of glory are cataloged for all time. This Grand House follows strict house rules as all those within the house give Praise to Eaos and seek to gain the patron gods honor bestowed upon them and their mighty powerful juggernaut's.